Nature of Courses
1. Master of Divinity (M. Div.)
The M. Div degree programme emphasizes study of deeper theological knowledge with a view to understanding the religio-cultural heritage and socio-politico-economic reality in our society through which it may enable to bring integration in the total learning experience and lead to strengthening devotional life.
2. Bachelor of Theology (B. Th.)
The B.Th. degree programme is offered for providing a basic understanding of the Bible and Christian Faith and witness in historical and contemporary contexts giving particular emphasis on practical and functional aspects of the Christian ministry.
3. Diploma in Theology
The Dip.Th. degree programme concentrates on basic biblical and theological foundational courses with the aim to orient the students for further theological and ministerial studies.
Courses Offered
Diploma in Theology
(2 Years)
- Successful completion of HSLC (Class 10)
Bachelor of Theology
(B. Th) (3 Years)
i) Successful completion of 10+2 (Class 12)
ii) Successful completion of two years Diploma in Theology
Master of Divinity
(2 Years)
- Successful completion of B. Th. Degree (2+3) in B grade and above from ATA Accredited colleges
Master of Divinity 3 years course
- Successful completion of B.A., B. Sc. & B. Com.
- B. Th. Graduates from ATA (2+3) with B- and below
- B.Th. Degree 2+3 from non-accredited programs will need to appear qualifying examination consisting of three papers – Biblical Studies, Theology and Christian Ministries
Master of Divinity - Correspondence Program
Rational of the Course
The course is designed to enhance Christian ministers who are engaged in diverse ministries for deeper theological knowledge and for any interested candidates who desire to attain theological knowledge and degree. The study aims to produce competent leadership in their respective ministries. The course follows a very special way of teaching by offering précised notes and course materials maintaining the academic standard of the ATA. The students attains Contact Classes within the given weeks and days with certain sets of academic rules.
1. Degree Offered
(i) M.Div. (Master of Divinity)
Qualification: B.Th. B Grade and above
Duration: 3 years
(ii) M.Div. (Master of Divinity) Graduate or
Qualification: B.Th. B Grade and below
Duration: 4 years
2. Contact-Class and Examination:
(i) Contact classes and Examinations will be conducted every semester.
(ii) One week Contact-Classes and Examinations in the months of May and January will be conducted every year.
(iii) Accommodations and Food will be provided in the college hostel and Cafeteria.
3. Duration of Course for the Year 2020-2021.
I Semester: Contact-Classes: Tuesday 19th to Wednesday 20th 2020.
II Semester: Contact-Classes and Examinations: Monday 11th to Friday 15th January 2021.
Master of Ministry (College Certificate) (2/3 Years)
- B. Th Graduates from any of the Colleges
A total number of subjects in M. Div. 3 years course = 30 and 2 years course = 20.
A total number of subjects in B. Th. = 36.
A total number of subjects in Dip. Th. = 24

Academic Grading System
1. Standard of Pass Mark and Grade
The pass mark of all papers in the examination is 40% (C-). The grades are as follows:
I Division II Division III Division Failure
A+ 80% & above B+ 65%-69% C+ 50%-54% 39% & below
A 75%-79% B 60%-64% C 45%-49%
A- 70%-74% B- 55%-59% C- 40%-44%
2. Pass or Rewrite
- Candidates must satisfy the examiners by passing in each paper separately and no candidate shall be re-examined in a paper in which one has been declared pass. Any paper in which the candidate fails is regarded as back paper and should rewrite that particular paper. Failure of Final year students in the Last semester will be given a chance to write in the next semester.
- Any failing students will be regarded as retake category and will be given 40 mks only.
- Diploma II paper should be checked and promoted according to their performance.
3. Promotion or Failure
- A student who passes in all the subjects is normally promoted to the next higher class.
- Any new student who fails in 40% subjects will be given a chance to rewrite. If the student fails in all the subjects even on the second attempt, s/he will be sent for good. If, on the other hand, the student fails on less number of subjects on the second attempt, then those will be rewritten after the completion of the course.
- Any new student, who fails in 50% and above of the number of subjects either in the first or second semester, s/he will be considered as unfit for promotion and will be given one year diploma certificate on the Graduation Day of the senior classes. For the old students, failure in 50% and above of the number of subjects will be detained for the ongoing academic year.
- 100 will be collected for every fail subject as retake exam fee.
- Any student who fails in retake examination will be allowed to write the failed paper only semester examination after the completion of the course. If the failure is repeated s/he will be allow to write after the completion of the course within the time bound period (see length of the course).
- Any final year student who fails in the 2nd semester examination will be allowed to write the failed paper only in the next year 1st semester examination along with the general exam.
- Any student who fails to complete all the requirements will not be given graduation.
4. Calculation of Average
- The average of the examined papers is worked out from the marks obtained in the class tests, assignments and semester examination.
- Internal 40% (20 marks Assignment,10 marks Class test, 10 marks for practical & overall) and final exam 60%
5. Incomplete Papers
Students must fulfill all the requirements such as: class tests, assignments etc. Failing to submit/appear on due date without prior permission from the concerned teacher, will lose 25% out of the total secured marks in that particular paper.
- No student is allowed to register in any university/colleges once s/he is admitted in DBC.
- The college does not entertain any transfer student nor issue any transfer certificate/documents.
- Any student who is found adopting unfair means during the examination will be suspended for the ongoing semester.
The Discipleship Bible College set aside few Awards and Prizes for students who have demonstrated healthy commitment as a disciple of Jesus Christ while at College.
Awards are given away with the view to highlight the importance of the vital components of Christian Ministry. Such awards are given against some personality who have shown exceptional example in their ministry of the Word of God. Prizes are given away to highlight scholarship in theological studies and ministerial formation.
The followings are the Awards.
- Rev. Dr. Edward Winter Clark Discipleship Award
- Rev. I. Longri Ao Peace Award
- Rev. A. Riküm Scripture Award
- Rev. J. Onen Ao, Servant-Leadership Award.
- Rev. R. Waimeren Christian Ministry Award.
- Rev. Lano Longchar Evangelism Award.
- J.N. Aier Music Award.
- Dr. S. Impang Jamir, Best Citizen Award.
- Rev. Dr. T Alemmeren Mission Award.
- Dignity of Labour Award.
Academic Prizes for various subjects
- D. Haralu Academic Proficiency Prize
- Old Testament Prize
- New Testament Prize
- Theology & Ethics Prize
- Christian Ministry Prize
- History of Christianity Prize
- Religion & Society Prize
Faculty Profile
Department of Biblical Studies: Old Testament

Mrs. Narola Walling
ETC, Jorhat;
M. Th. FFRRC, Kottayam.

Dr. Husazulü Chüzho
B.D. ETC; M.Th.
UBS, Pune; D.Th. SATHRI,
UBS, Pune.

Dr. Tekayaba
B.A. NU; B.D. ETC;
M.Th. UTC, Bangalore;
Department of New Testament

Mr. Tsuknungpokba
B.A. DU; B.D. ITS; Delhi; M. Th. SAIACS; Bangalore.
Department of Christian Theology

Mr. Imlimar Pongen
B.A. NU; B.D. ETC, Jorhat; M. Th FFRRC, Kottayam; (Undergoing Ph.D. Research at
SHUATS, Allahabad).

Dr. Imsenperong
B.D, ETC Jorhat, M. Th. FFRRC, Kottayam, D.Th. SATHRI, Kolkatta,
Department of History of Christianity

Rev. Temsu Imchen
B.D. Serampore; B.A. NEHU;
M.Th. UTC, Bangalore.

Mr. Imliakum Aier
B.A. NU, B.D. CTC, Aolijen,
M. Th. ETC, Jorhat, Assam.

Rev. S. Wati
B.D. & M. Th. ETC, Jorhat.
Department of Christian Ministry

Mr. Shanthungo Ezung
B.D., ETC Jorhat; M.Th.
CTC, Aolijen.

Ms. Esther S Jamir
B.A. S.D Jain Girl’s college,
Dimapur; B.D, M.Th, CTC, Aolijen;
(Undergoing Ph.D. Research at
SHUATS, Allahabad).
Department of Religion & Society

Mr. Narka Awomi
M. Div, SBS Zubza; M.Phil. in Religion (Islam) SAIACS,Bangalore.
Department of Mission

Dr. Alem Sangtam
M.Div, M.Th, Ph.D, GIT Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.
General Studies

Mrs. Matsungla Lemtur
B.A. NU; B.D. ETC, Jorhat.
Library is the backbone of the Institution, and the students’ development and advancement of learning depends mostly on the availability of books provided by the Institution. DBC believes that God intervene men and women in conjunction with their diligent studies of various books will enable them to apprehend the significant purpose of God’s calling them.
As an Institution DBC is committed to invest and increase as many books as possible that are useful for theological students. At present the college has acquired nearly 10,000 volumes of printed books. Apart from the printed books the college has recently installed e-book of nearly 24,000 volumes, which is fully computerized to meet the needs of the students.
The Library is managed by a trained Librarian who is assisted by selected students.